Look at this:
And this ->
is an article about site.
There are lots of articles like this AND IT'S TRUE!!!
I, for example, sent my review here:
For now I write this at
I'm Laura B (my name).
My blog is
In Your site there are practically ALL my works from my blog, in posters SELL!
Ok, You, under every my pictures,put the link to my blog.
BUT YOU SELLING MY IDEAS without contact me and in my blog this is in EVIDENCE. And there are my mails for contact me:
(If You want to make a different use of my works, You must contact me) This is in evidence in my blog.
If excuse for not read my rules about my works is my italian language, is not valid because today it's easy translate online. No excuse.
And, IMPORTANT in evidence in my blog there is this:
Ah, yes, it's in italian (but with INTERNATIONAL rules).
So, my ideas are:
"Noncommercial - You may not use the material for commercial purposes ."
You are violating this rule.
For be exact: my ideas (and phisical) works in blog are:
NO-COMMERCIAL so, You can't sell or other business forms with my works in my blog.
"No Derivative Works - If remix, transform the material or you rely on it , you can not distribute the material amended."
For be exact: You can't remake my works /ideas.
About this second problem, already i did delete my works from another site.
You are free to share my works without remake or sell and when You share, You must put my authorship, My name, my blogs name... There are more option.
All rules are in "Attribution" section in my blog, and this is in evidence too. And this "Attribution" section appears in every page in my blog, so, it's strange if You don't see...
I call You to remove all pictures from , that there are in Your
Another thing: in Your site's browser just search under my blog's name for find all my works in sell. And are entire pages.
So, because in this Your section, You want a page URL, maybe I must send You my letter lots of times?
In end, for the moment, I entrust myself to your seriousness and honesty for remove all my works in Wallpart.comfrom my blog
Waiting from You for my request,
I offer You Greetings.
(My name)."
(Not care too much about my english).
Really, look how much articles, open letters, petitions, violations reports there are about this site.
LOL! (Cinic).
GeNoMa CrEaTiVo LaUrA B.
__Diy brain in diy woman____________________________
Dedichero' questo blog ad atti casuali e non di arte ed espressioni in tutte le forme che riusciro' a concepire, siano esse solo idee, abbozzi o incompiuti.
Alcune volte il risultato sarà un nonsense, ad ogni modo anche cio' che non capiamo ha un suo perchè.
Il bello sta nel giocare...
mercoledì 26 ottobre 2016
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